”Career education is the development of knowledge and skills through a planned program of learning experiences in education, training and workplace settings, which will assist students to make informed course and career decisions and effectively navigate multiple and complex careers throughout their lives”
– Department of Education and Training.



”Career education is the development of knowledge and skills through a planned program of learning experiences in education, training and workplace settings, which will assist students to make informed course and career decisions and effectively navigate multiple and complex careers throughout their lives”
– Department of Education and Training.

Career education needs to connect today’s learning with tomorrow’s jobs. It must empower young people to seize the opportunities of a rapidly changing, globalised world, and be ready to work in Victoria’s growing and high-demand industries. It is a decision-making process that should start in Year 7 and culminate in confident, informed choices in the later years of school and beyond.

Students who understand the connection between school, their sense of self and future career are more likely to be engaged and have better educational outcomes. Career education can promote relevance and importance of school subjects, improving motivation and willingness to learn.

We provide career development activities and resources to allow students to gather all the information they need to make well-informed decisions regarding their future directions. Students are required to complete and update their Career Action Plan at each year level which encourages them to set personal goals and evaluate their pathways on a yearly basis.

As well as group and class career development activities, students will have the opportunity for careers assessments and individual careers counselling. Individual careers counselling is provided for students in the areas of subject selection, resume writing, apprenticeships, job hunting, course selection and course application.

Careers Development Activities
Science Class College

Our Careers Website should be the first stop when you are looking for information on anything job, careers, university or TAFE related. As part of the careers website, there is a student secure area where each student can access their personal file. Completed online activities and other relevant documents are recorded in the student secure area.

Our Careers Newsletter is sent out to all parents and students in Years 9-12 each fortnight. The newsletter provides all of the updated information that our senior students need to keep them informed. There is also plenty of information and ideas to help our younger students get valuable career information to assist them with their career decision making. Accessing the newsletter each fortnight will provide access to all of the included links to keep you up to date.

We have a well-staffed and resourced Careers Centre on the Davisson Street Campus and a Pathways Office on the Dalton Road Campus. To assist with student investigations, the Careers Centre and the Pathways Office both have a library of University and TAFE study options, as well as occupational and vocational information that can be accessed by students both through appointments and at student break times.

All students from Years 7-12 can make an appointment to see a careers practitioner. Appointments can be made by clicking on the ‘make an appointment’ tab found on the careers website.









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